Rectify 07 – Karla’s Lover

In their search for a viable suspect, the team discovers an interesting relationship between Karla and her brother-in-law.

Rectify 07 – Karla’s Lover

In their search for a viable suspect, the team discovers an interesting relationship between Karla and her brother-in-law.

Evitando as Brasileiradas

"Ligue para sua mãe!"

Call your mother

Call to your mother

In Episode 06, the team members racked their brains to find a way to prove Eddie hadn’t done it, and Danny came across an interesting fact. Would it be enough to win Eddie his freedom?

In Episode 07, in their search for a viable suspect, the team uncovers a very interesting relationship between Karla and her brother-in-law. But, did he actually kill her?

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The Night Shift

Turno da Noite

To Go Through

Search through or examine carefully or in sequence



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