Cosmo – Episode 04

Kramer convinces his mother to quit her job at the restaurant. But George is counting on her to spy on his girlfriend. Will he ever find out if she is "refunding"?

Cosmo – Episode 04

Kramer convinces his mother to quit her job at the restaurant. But George is counting on her to spy on his girlfriend. Will he ever find out if she is "refunding"?

Evitando as Brasileiradas

"Ligue para aquele lugar!"

Call that place

Call to that place

In Episode 03, George meets Kramer’s mother. But he also finds out an interesting piece of information about Kramer himself, something not even Jerry knew.

In Episode 04, Kramer convinces his mother to quit her job at the restaurant. But George is counting on her to spy on his girlfriend. Will he ever find out if she is "refunding"?

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