The Ring Episode 06

After Kyle talks to Mike and Mandy talks to Vanessa, the two lovebirds sit down and work everything out.

The Ring Episode 06

After Kyle talks to Mike and Mandy talks to Vanessa, the two lovebirds sit down and work everything out.

Evitando as Brasileiradas

"O que significa "realize"?


"I just realized how important English is."


"Realize" é falso cognato. Para dizer: "Realizar algo", diga: "To accomplish something."

In Episode 05, Kyle and Mandy came back home, and Mandy was NOT very happy. Kyle was clueless about what went wrong, so Mike explained it to him.

In Episode 06, after Kyle talks to Mike and Mandy talks to Vanessa, the two lovebirds sit down and work everything out.

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