Activity 9.3.3 – Written Exercises

Grammar Focus

We have already learned how the Present Perfect is used for something that started in the past and continues in the present; for personal experiences; and for something you have already done or haven’t done yet. 

In this lesson, we will learn two more usages, which are, however, very similar: for breaking news and for actions or situations that started in the past but whose results are seen or are important in the present.

Important: never mention the time in any of these cases.

The key word for breaking news is just, but it is not always used. The news can be personal, or official, like on a news channel. Check out these examples:

  • The president has increased taxes again.
  • I have just sent the email.
  • We have bought a new car.
  • The United Nations has called it a "worldwide crisis."

 Check out these examples of actions or situations that started in the past, but whose results can be seen in the present, or are still important:

  • Oh, you have shaved off your beard!
  • Wow, you have really upped your game!
  • Congratulations, I see you have remodeled your house completely!

When talking about actions that started in the past, but whose results can be seen in the present, one will normally revert to the simple past:

 "Oh, dear! You have broken your arm! How did that happen?"

 "I fell off my bike last week."

Now do these exercises*:

*If you need to review the Irregular Verbs in the Present Perfect, click here.
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Introduction to English
Grammar Course
96 Irregular Verbs
Intermediate I
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