The Ring – Episode 02 Copy

Evitando as Brasileiradas

“To Pretend”

Fazer de Conta

She pretended to be a veterinarian.


Pretend é falso cognato. Se você “pretende” fazer alguma coisa, diga: “I intend to …”

How can I say …

Click the picture to see the answer

In Episode 01, Ed (Mr. Alzate) asked Kyle to get a ring resized, because he wanted to ask Wendy, a woman he had been dating, to marry him. Mike (Mr. B, as Kyle calls him),  caught Kyle with the ring, and thought he was going to propose to his daughter, Mandy, whom Kyle had been dating.

Click here for Episode 01

In Episode 02, Kyle tells Mike he is taking Mandy to a special place for dinner – his favorite taco truck. Mike tries to convince him to aim a little higher.

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