Episode 05 – I Want That Cat Copy

Evitando as Brasileiradas

“Quero um bife … ou dois … ou três.”

A steak

“I want a steak … or two … or three.”

A beef

Beef é carne bovina. Never say, “I want one beef…”

In Episode 04, Patrick asks Howard to let him in so he can use the phone, and then kills him, with one shot to the chest.

Clique aqui para ver Episódio 04

In Episode 05, Cathleen plants evidence on her husband’s coat, and we meet Lieutenant Columbo for the first time.

A Trace of Murder E05

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Idiomatic Expressions

Racking my Brain

Quebrando a Cabeça

Figure Out

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 Columbo says, “I don’t think we’ve ever met.” The Present Perfect is used, among many other things, for personal experiences. One of the most common forms is with “ever” in negative sentences.

Check out the examples:

“I have never been to London.”

“She has never danced in public before.”

This is totally different from the simple past. “I didn’t meet Patrick.” This means he and Patrick were supposed to meet, but it didn’t happen.

Observe the use of the verb “to meet” for our verb “conhecer” in Portuguese. Always use “meet” for the first time: “Conheci John em 2001”: “I met John in 2001.”

Now answer the questions:

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