
Episode 04 – The Investigation Begins

Evitando as Brasileiradas

Como digo: “Sinal” (para uma transação comercial)?



“You must leave a deposit of 10% to close the deal.”

In Episode 02, Vivian has dinner with Leland St. John, ler lover, and slips out to forge her alibi.

In Episode 03, Columbo appears on the scene and begins his investigation of Charlie’s murder. Althought he doesn’t appear to be very smart, the first inconsistency soon shows up.

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Sobretudo (também conhecido como “overcoat”)

Sit Tight

“Não saia daí” – denota esperar com paciência

Scrap of Paper

Pedaço ou fragmento de papel, papel rascunho


Referência cruzada – comparar os registros de dois arquivos

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Episode 03 – Creating the Alibi

Evitando as Brasileiradas

Como digo: “Tá brincando!”?

You gotta be kidding!

You’re playing!

Outras opções: “You’re joking! “Get outta here!”

In Episode 02, Vivian kicks off her plan for revenge. Find out a little more what her problem with Charlie and Columbo is.

In Episode 03, Vivian has dinner with Leland St. John, ler lover, and slips out to forge her alibi.

Useful Vocabulary

  • Road Inn
  • Wrestling

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Excêntrico, peculiar


Clássicos, música antiga dos anos 60, 70, e até 80

Lose Track of Time

Perder a noção do tempo

Scotch on the Rocks with a Twist

Um whisky com gelo, servido com uma casca de fruta torcida

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Episode 02 – See You in Hell, Charlie

Evitando as Brasileiradas

Como digo: “Eu deduzi…”?

I figured…

I deducted…

Use “deducted” for amounts: “They deducted 45%.”

Meet Vivian, the villainess who is out to get Lieutenant Columbo. Why does she want him to suffer so badly?

In Episode 02, Vivian kicks off her plan for revenge. Find out a little more about what her problem with Charlie and Columbo is.

Useful Vocabulary

  • Aggravation
  • Dip into
  • Hit the High Spots
  • Hit the Sauce
  • Hounded
  • Look sharp
  • Lousy
  • Keep quiet
  • Nuts
  • Pull Back
  • Regret
  • Turn down

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Market Went Sour

O mercado de ações despencou, “azedou”


Muito ruim, porcaria

Sleep it Off

Dormir para recuperar dos efeitos do álcool ou drogas – curar ressaca

Snap Back

Recuperar-se de uma situação difícil ou estressante

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Episode 01 – The Villainess

Evitando as Brasileiradas

Como digo: “Mudei de ideia”?

I changed my mind

I changed my idea

Meet Vivian, the villainess who is out to get Lieutenant Columbo. Why does she want him to suffer so badly?

Useful Vocabulary

  • Binder
  • Concerned
  • Coping
  • Entitled
  • Fumes
  • Income
  • Nap
  • Real estate
  • Thief
  • Unloaded

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Idioms of the Day

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Never saw it coming!

Pego totalmente desprevinido!

Wiped out

Exausta! Só o pó!

Go over

Revisar, estudar

Humor me

Faz por mim? Mesmo sem concordar?

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Beth Episode 03

Evitando as Brasileiradas

Diga a verdade

Tell the truth

Say the truth

In Episode 02, John talks to one of Graham’s colleagues, but he doesn’t have any idea who Beth is, either.

In Episode 03, John finally finds the mysterious “Beth” and passes Graham’s message along to her.

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Beth Episode 02

Evitando as Brasileiradas

Entrar em contato

Get in touch

Enter into contact

Useful Vocabulary

A Bit – Condolences – Loner – Pass Along

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A Trace of Murder – The End

Evitando as Brasileiradas

Como digo: “Naquele momento”?

At that point, at that moment

In that moment

In Episode 16, Columbo turned the lovers against each other, and Cathleen got a head start, to make a deal with the DA.

In Episode 17, Columbo tells how he managed to put the murderous love birds away.


Evitando as Brasileiradas

Como digo: “Ficando louco”?

Going crazy

Staying crazy

Useful Vocabulary*

  • By the way
  • Bow my head
  • Broke down
  • Caught up on the gossip
  • Going crazy
  • Grew up
  • Hearse
  • Ins and outs
  • In just a little while
  • Off at college
  • Porch
  • Raise
  • Ride
  • Send me over
  • Struck a friendship up
  • Swing
  • The other side
  • Town
  • Verse
  • Words written in red

*Click the words with your finger or mouse to see the translation

Topics for discussion and/or thought:

  • Do you sometimes feel that you are “going crazy”? What do you do?
  • Do you think there is more to life than what you see or are what you are living at the moment”?
  • Would you describe yourself as a religious person?

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Words Written in Red

Palavras de Jesus (algumas Bíblias colocam todas as palavras proferidas diretamente por Jesus em vermelho)


Carro fúnebre

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Beth Episode 01

Evitando as Brasileiradas

“Quero que ela coma!”

“I want her to eat!”

“I want that she eat!”

Never say, “I want that someone do something…”

In Episode 01, John Nolan receives a request from a dying man. “Tell Beth…” Who is Beth?

Idiom of the Day

Hang on!

Aguenta firme!

A Trace of Murder Episode 16 – You Got That Right!

Evitando as Brasileiradas

Como digo: “O que aconteceu”?

What happened?

What did happen?

Lembre-se dessa regra:

Só se usa auxiliar quando há uma sujeito na frase.

In Episode 15Patrick was in a hurry to see the grand jury indict Clifford so he and his lover could be home scot-free. But Columbo had some very troubling news for him.

In Episode 16, Columbo turns the lovers against each other, and Cathleen gets a head start to make a deal with the DA.

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The Rabbi, The Hat, and the Horses

Idiom of the Day

A Long Shot

Something that is very unlikely to happen

Algo com pouquíssimas chances de acontecer

This guy needed to study a little more Spanish!

On a very windy day, a rabbi was walking along when a strong gust of wind blew his hat off his head. The rabbi ran after the hat, but the wind was too strong. It kept blowing his hat farther and farther away. 

A kind young man, seeing what had happened, ran after the hat, caught it and gave it back to the rabbi. The rabbi was so grateful that he gave the young man 20 dollars and blessed him. The young man was so excited that he decided to go the race track and with the rabbi’s blessing, he decided to check the program and place the entire 20 dollars on a horse. 

After the races, he went home and recounted his very exciting day to his father. “I arrived at the fifth race and looked at the program. I saw this horse named ‘Top Hat’ was running. The odds on this horse were 100 to 1 but since I received the rabbi’s blessing, I bet the entire 20 dollars on ‘Top Hat’. Guess what? He won! In the next race, there was a horse named ‘Bowler’ at 30 to 1, so I bet the entire amount of my winnings on him, and guess what … I won again!” 

“So did you bring the money home?” asked his father. “No,” said the son, “I lost it all on the last race. There was a horse named ‘Chateau’ that was a heavy favorite so I bet everything on him, and since ‘Chateau’ means ‘hat’ in French I figured he was a sure thing.” “You fool!” said the father. “Hat in French is ‘chapeau,’ not ‘chateau!’” 

Sighing to himself, the father then asked, “So who did win the race?” “A real long shot,” said the son. “Some Spanish horse named ‘Sombrero’.”

A Trace of Murder Episode 15 – The Beginning of the End

Evitando as Brasileiradas

Como digo: “Não tenho certeza”?

I’m not sure.

I don’t have sure

In Episode 14, the District Attorney decided to indict Clifford Calvert. Columbo visited Clifford and we finally discovered why he was so interested in the cigar ends.

IIn Episode 15, Patrick is in a hurry to see the grand jury indict Clifford so he and his lover can be home free. But Columbo has some very troubling news for him.

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Look Through

To search for something among a lot of other things

I was wondering….

To ask someone politely for a favor

Desculpe pelo incômodo!

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