Rev. Paul: Good morning, gentlemen.
Ed: Clean up the language, boys. We got a backward collar in the room.
Larabee: Hey, uh, how about a cup of coffee, Reverend Paul?
Rev. Paul: You know, everyone always offers me coffee. It’s never, “Hey, how about a beer, Reverend Paul?”
Mike: We don’t have booze at work… this isn’t the church.
Rev. Paul: Listen, I’m in a bit of a rush. You got some time, Mike?
Mike: Only the man upstairs knows if I got more time, but… Uh, wait. Unless you’ve heard something. So, what’s up?
Rev. Paul: Uh, listen, I am gonna need you to teach the adult Sunday school class this weekend.
Mike: You came all the way over here to ask me that? Why didn’t you shoot me an e-mail, or just shoot me?
Rev. Paul: I find it harder for people to say ‘no’ when they have to look me in the eye.
Mike: No. Not that hard.
Rev. Paul: Mike, you signed up to be the backup Sunday school teacher.
Mike: No, no, no, no. I signed up to be the backup to the backup. I’m, like, third on the depth chart.
Rev. Paul: Well, first-and second-string are out of town, so grab your helmet, I’m putting you in.
Mike: Oh, you know, I really can’t this Sunday. A close friend of Ed’s passed away. And I’m going ice fishing.
Rev. Paul: You know, here’s something I rarely get to say as a pastor, Mike. I don’t care. I’ll see you Sunday.